🎧 777Hz ✤ Attract Amazing Luck in 7 Minutes ✤ Incredible Good Luck Abundance Frequency

🎧 777Hz ✤ Attract Amazing Luck in 7 Minutes ✤ Incredible Good Luck Abundance Frequency Solfeggio recording by Simply Hypnotic ✤ This wonderful recording is layered with beautiful affirmations specially designed to use the Law of Attraction to bring money, wealth and abundance into your life 👉 For best results listen often on a low/medium volume setting

Track Name: Attract Amazing Luck in 7 Minutes
Music By @Andre James
Image Thumbnail by: Shutterstock
Video Created by @Andre James

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Embedded Affirmations:
Wealth floats around me daily.
Everyday I am becoming richer and richer
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
Wealth constantly flows into my life.
My actions create constant wealth, prosperity, and abundance.
I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
I am a magnet for money.
Prosperity is drawn to me.
I have a wealth mindset.
I’m open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
I am wealthy.
I always have more than enough money.
I attract money to me.
I feel marvellous as a rich person.
Wealth is pouring into my life.
Large amounts of money are coming to me in ever increasing amounts.
I am grateful for everything that I receive.
Today I am attracting wealth, abundance, and wellbeing.
My wallet and bank balance is overflowing with money.
My wealth shines from within me.
I create an avalanche of financial abundance, and I give back in amazing ways.
I release every block that held me back from receiving prosperity.
Wealth flows to me from all directions.
I’m financially abundant, and money comes to me naturally.
I allow myself to be drenched with financial abundance always, and I generously share my wealth.
Riches flow through me like waves in the ocean and come back again.
I only think thoughts of wealth and abundance.
I am a wealthy entrepreneur who is living life on my own terms.
I radiate wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
My riches are forever increasing as I give more of myself in service to the world.

► ► ► If like me you enjoy meditating during the night and you don’t wish to wake those around you, try SleepPhones, the world’s most comfortable headphones for sleeping. Designed by AcousticSheep and described as ‘Pajamas for the Ears’, I use these headphones myself and absolutely love them. Check them out here 👉 http://bit.ly/2Pu41Mp

► Check out some popular Simply Hypnotic collections 👉

► Law of Attraction – Wealth and Abundance Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/3khxqYL

► Popular Uploads
👉 https://bit.ly/31o88kz

► Music for Sleep
👉 https://bit.ly/3m8rTEH

► Emotional Detox Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/31nxajA

► Self Healing Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/37nlfGr

► Study Music
👉 https://bit.ly/3dJhxrV

► Anxiety and Stress Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/3jexYNO

► God Frequency Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/2TaMknP

► Angel Frequency Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/31GzBhB

🎧 Tracks should NOT be listened to whilst driving, operating machinery or at any time a listener needs to remain focused 🐶 No animals were hurt in the making of this channel (c) Simply Hypnotic – All rights reserved.

🎧 All images and additional video segments contained in the Thumbnails are used in strict compliance with the appropriate permissions and licenses required from https://shutterstock.com and/or https://videoblocks.com in accordance with the YouTube Partner Program, Community guidelines & YouTube terms of service.

► Please NOTE – Frequency recordings should not be substituted for medical care and listeners should seek out qualified medical assistance where necessary.

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Copyright ⓒ 2020 Simply Hypnotic®. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorised copying, selling, re-uploading and sampling is strictly prohibited.


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