🎧 UNBLOCK ALL 7 CHAKRAS ✤ Deep Sleep Meditation ✤ Aura Cleansing ✤ Balancing Chakra Music

🎧 UNBLOCK ALL 7 CHAKRAS ✤ Deep Sleep Meditation ✤ Aura Cleansing ✤ Balancing Chakra Music by Simply Hypnotic

Track Name: Unblock all 7 Chakras
Music By @Andre James
Image Thumbnail by: Shutterstock
Video Created by @Andre James

👉 For best results listen often on a low/medium volume setting

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How a “Regular” Guy Can Use Subliminal Hypnosis to Trigger Other People’s Emotions to Do Anything!

We the Human beings are controlled by our emotions. Now if you master the power over your subject’s’ emotions using subliminal hypnosis, you will soon visualize on how the person feels, how he reacts to a specific situation. So if something is wrong, your guidance at this phase will eventually help to bring back a smile in his face.

A Guide to Using Subliminal Messages to Empower People’s Lives – PCAT Method (Part 3 of 4)

Previously, I discussed the second of the four stages of the PCAT Formula, the ‘C’ stage, which helps a person break away from the pattern created by the problem through subliminal messages that makes him/her escape from the pattern, leading to being receptive to the solution. We now go to the ‘A’ step in the PCAT Formula which is to activate a solution. So what exactly is a solution?

An Honest Review of Conversational Hypnosis – The Magic of Mind Control Revealed

Well, in it’s popular present form, it refers to a very popular “underground” program for using covert cues of ALL kinds to facilitate a desirable response in the mind of the “subject” and in the opinion of the practitioner. In simpler terms, it simply means getting WHATEVER you want from other people using a tested and proven system of hypnosis tools to be practiced while the participant is AWAKE. Remember, most conventional hypnosis is practiced on people who are, actually, in a light sleep or hypnagogic state.

Stunning Lessons in Mind Control – How to Be Magically Persuasive in Easy and Ethical Steps

In this article we are going to start revealing some of the stunning lessons of MASTERING mind control methods, and becoming magically persuasive in easy and effortless exercises. The truth of the matter is to become fluent in the magical art of mind control is FAR less mysterious than it may sound. It is simply learning a series of tactics, techniques and conversational cues DESIGNED to supercharge your charisma, and “control” over other people.

How is Conversational Hypnosis Different Than Ordinary Hypnosis? Read on to Find Out

In this article we are going to take a quick look at how conversational hypnosis differs from traditional, or conventional hypnotic suggestion. As much of the online interest in hypnosis has been revitalized through the Conversational program, many people are a bit in the dark as to what, if any are the important differences to consider BEFORE signing on. So continue reading on as we do a quick compare and contrast, and see if we can’t open some EYES as well as some WINDOWS into the secrets of the mind, and soul as well. Read on.

Hypno-Psychic Manifesting

Learn how to gain better access to the subconscious mind to develop your psychic abilities and to manifest new conditions in your life. Self hypnosis is very effective to create “miracles” in your life.

Learn How to Do Covert Hypnosis

Covert hypnosis is probably one or the hardest forms of hypnosis to learn how to master, but it is also one of the most powerful ways to hypnotize people. With covert hypnosis, also known as conversational hypnosis, you can hypnotize people without them even knowing it. Literally just by talking to them, you can put them under a trance and use highly suggestive language that enters the subconscious mind to make them think or do just about anything you say.

CBT and NLP Approaches to Combat Depression

Depression is very common in a world that can be cruel and demanding. Symptoms can affect day-to-day life and can become very distressing. Treatments include talking treatments and antidepressant medicines.

NLP and CBT Are Effective Therapies For Treating Panic Attacks

Both NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming ) and CBT ( Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ) are effective techniques for treating people who are suffering from panic attacks. At my practice in Hertfordshire I have treated many clients for panic attacks. Panic attacks can be more serious then people imagine.


Neuro-linguistic programming is an interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach to psychotherapy that was co-created by Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder in the 1970s. It was based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change. To have a mental picture in your mind of what one could expect by learning more about NLP, one of the first books they published back in ’79 was “Frogs into Princes”.

The Dirty Little Secret of Conversational Hypnosis and Mind Control They Don’t Want You to Know

In this article we are going take an inside peek at the wild and wooly world of conversational hypnosis and mind control techniques. To be perfectly honest with you, a lot of the people in the mental sciences are uncomfortable with the explosion of interest in powerful mental persuasion techniques. Why is this? It’s quite simple: Many mental health professionals fear that those learning, using and mastering these magnificent secrets of the mind are going to exploit others for all kinds of nefarious purposes, causing ordinary and unsuspecting people to be harmed by the scurrilous practice of this hidden conversational art. The truth is, I dare say in my humble opinion, far from this fairy tale understanding of how hypnosis works. Read on as we explore.

How to Use Conversational Hypnosis to Get What You Want Out of Life

In this article we are going to look at how we can use conversational hypnosis to get what we want out of life in every important respect. Life is, as I’m sure you are WELL aware, one series of relationship transactions after the next. Being liked, popular and well received by our friends, peers and other professionals is the PRIMARY way that most of us get a feeling of contentment, reward and simple joy out of life. We ALL want to be loved by those around us… EVEN those who pretend they don’t care. Contribution and a sense of belonging are ELEMENTAL human needs, and failure to feel significant is the very FIRST step on the slippery slope of depression, low self esteem and self destructive behavior.

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