741Hz ✤ Beautiful Mind ✤ Anxiety Cleanse ✤ STOP Overthinking and Relax recording by Simply Hypnotic ✤ Sit back, relax and Vibrate on the wonderful 741Hz frequency that can bring amazing changes to your life 👉 For best results listen often on a low/medium volume setting
Image Thumbnail by: Shutterstock
Video Created by @Andre James
► The Science and Research: How listening to different frequencies can affect the brain during meditation 👉 http://bit.ly/3bJjsNV
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► ► ► If like me you enjoy meditating during the night and you don’t wish to wake those around you, try SleepPhones, the world’s most comfortable headphones for sleeping. Designed by AcousticSheep and described as ‘Pajamas for the Ears’, I use these headphones myself and absolutely love them. Check them out here 👉 http://bit.ly/2Pu41Mp
► Equipment Used
👉 Roli Seaboard Rise
👉 Korg Minlogue XD
👉 Arturia Keylab 61 mkII
► Software Used
👉 FL Studio
👉 Omnisphere 2
👉 Pigments 2
👉 Equator 2
👉 Cyberlink Director
► Check out some popular Simply Hypnotic collections 👉
► Law of Attraction – Wealth and Abundance Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/3khxqYL
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👉 https://bit.ly/31o88kz
► Music for Sleep
👉 https://bit.ly/3m8rTEH
► Emotional Detox Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/31nxajA
► Self Healing Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/37nlfGr
► Study Music
👉 https://bit.ly/3dJhxrV
► Anxiety and Stress Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/3jexYNO
► God Frequency Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/2TaMknP
► Angel Frequency Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/31GzBhB
🎧 Tracks should NOT be listened to whilst driving, operating machinery or at any time a listener needs to remain focused 🐶 No animals were hurt in the making of this channel (c) Simply Hypnotic – All rights reserved.
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► Please NOTE – Frequency recordings should not be substituted for medical care and listeners should seek out qualified medical assistance where necessary.
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Achieving Success Through Hypnosis
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