963Hz The Frequency of Gods ✤ Miracle healing ✤ Connect With Spirit

963Hz The Frequency of Gods ✤ Miracle healing ✤ Connect With Spirit frequency recording by Simply Hypnotic ✤ Raise your vibration and increase your sense of wellbeing and joy 👉 For best results listen often on a low/medium volume setting whilst relaxing or meditating.

Track Name: God’s Touch
Music by: Andre James
Image Thumbnail by: Shutterstock
Video Created by @Andre James

► The Science and Research: How listening to different frequencies can affect the brain during meditation 👉 http://bit.ly/3bJjsNV


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► ► ► If like me you enjoy meditating during the night and you don’t wish to wake those around you, try SleepPhones, the world’s most comfortable headphones for sleeping. Designed by AcousticSheep and described as ‘Pajamas for the Ears’, I use these headphones myself and absolutely love them. Check them out here 👉 http://bit.ly/2Pu41Mp


► Equipment Used

👉 Roli Seaboard Rise

👉 Korg Minlogue XD

► Software Used

👉 FL Studio

👉 Omnisphere 2

👉 Pigments 2

👉 Equator 2

👉 Cyberlink Director


► Check out some popular Simply Hypnotic collections 👉

► Law of Attraction – Wealth and Abundance Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/3khxqYL

► Popular Uploads
👉 https://bit.ly/31o88kz

► Music for Sleep
👉 https://bit.ly/3m8rTEH

► Emotional Detox Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/31nxajA

► Self Healing Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/37nlfGr

► Study Music
👉 https://bit.ly/3dJhxrV

► Anxiety and Stress Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/3jexYNO

► God Frequency Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/2TaMknP

► Angel Frequency Recordings
👉 https://bit.ly/31GzBhB


🎧 Tracks should NOT be listened to whilst driving, operating machinery or at any time a listener needs to remain focused 🐶 No animals were hurt in the making of this channel (c) Simply Hypnotic – All rights reserved.

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► Please NOTE – Frequency recordings should not be substituted for medical care and listeners should seek out qualified medical assistance where necessary.

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Can You Hypnotize Yourself? About Susceptibility to Hypnosis

Susceptibility to hypnosis is the capacity of going into a hypnotic trance. Most hypnotists believe that the vast majority of the population can be hypnotized rather easily. It depends mainly on the emotional state of hypnosis subject and few other factors.

Learn to Hypnotize to Control Others

If you really want to learn to hypnotize and master hypnotic mind control, you need to understand how the mind works. The way to control someone’s mind is to talk to the unconscious mind. It’s the unconscious mind that controls almost everything we do.

Definition and 7 Myths of Hypnosis

On the beginning I will write few things about the definition of hypnosis. Hypnosis pronouncements made many researchers developed many theories, hypotheses, and definitions, but none of them is accepted by all doctors. This situation is a result of the fact that the phenomenon occurring in hypnosis also occurs in other states of consciousness, so there is no unique physiological determinant, which would give certainty of the phenomenon.

Easily Learn to Hypnotize Someone and Nobody Will Ever Realize

While at first, the act of being hypnotized without your awareness may sound hard to believe or even frightening, you can easily learn to hypnotize this way. It in fact is common and not as scary as it may sound which is why you should learn to hypnotize. If you’ve ever been sucked into an infomercial or met a politician you may have been covertly hypnotized.

Under Going the Regression Process – Past Life Hypnosis

So what is, regression, basically it is a technique a hypnotherapist uses to takes the client back in time, in their subconscious mind, to the place and time of an occurrence or event that did actually take place or that occurred in their imagination. Have you ever been curious and wondered: How a hypnotherapist utilises the regression process? How you can experience Past Life Hypnosis?

Hypnosis – How to Do a Free Hypnosis Demo to Increase Your Business

In the early stages of my business, I gave free hypnosis demonstrations every Friday night. I rented a small workshop room, and I advertised the demos in a small classified ad in a local newspaper. The ads read; “Free Hypnosis Demonstration” – and the rest dealt with the time and place we’d be meeting. Every demo was an opportunity to increase my business and educate people about hypnotherapy. Read on to find out all the details about how to do a hypnosis demo to increase your business.

What Does Hypnotherapy Involve?

Thinking about hypnotherapy but never tried it before? It’s not like on stage or television.

Past Life Hypnosis – Going Back in Time – Age Regression

In spite of what you may have been told or heard, (most probably by someone who know nothing about hypnosis and has never actually experienced it) to successful experience a hypnotherapy session you do not have to undergo past life hypnosis, go back in time or be age regressed. It is not mandatory; to have to recall or visit and experience past life events just to allow you to get over your symptom.

Subliminal Messages Review

Many people want to make changes in their lives. They want to be thinner, richer or just happier. In the last couple of years there has become a re-discovery of Subliminal Messages. Subliminal Messages have been used for a long time to successfully improve people’s lives. It is a wonderful way for people to focus and obtain specific goals. The mind is a wonderful thing, and is an excellent tool to reach goals. Many people have forgotten the power of the mind. Subliminal MP3s tap into the subconscious power of the mind to allow growth and development.

How to Tap Into the Benefits of Hypnosis at Home

Hypnosis is a very powerful mind development tool when used correctly. Unfortunately, while hypnosis is familiar to most people, many also have a negative view of it, thanks to the common depiction of hypnotists as evil and devious types who are out to control people for their own nefarious purposes. While hypnosis is very powerful, in reality it’s much more commonly used for positive ends – read on for more information.

How Can I Hypnotise Myself?

Entering into or inducing an hypnotic trance can be successfully accomplished in several ways. One of the simplest induction techniques for reducing stress, apprehension and tension is: First of all, set aside sometime you’ll initially need a minimum of 20 minutes, longer if possible. Second, find a quiet, comfortable (preferably dimly lit) room where you won’t be interrupted.

Learn How to Use Self Hypnosis Techniques in Your Online Business to Make More Money

Self hypnosis is a unique process which you attempt to create an invisible bridge between the conscious realms of the mind and the deeper unconscious mind. The effect of self hypnosis is both dramatic and amazing.

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