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نوم مغناطيسي
Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion. Theories explaining what occurs during hypnosis fall into two groups. Altered state theories see hypnosis as an altered state of mind or trance, marked by a level of awareness different from the ordinary conscious state. In contrast, Non-state theories see hypnosis as a form of imaginative role-enactment

During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration. The person can concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory, while blocking out sources of distraction. Hypnotised subjects are said to show an increased response to suggestions.[8] Hypnosis is usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction involving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as “hypnotherapy”, while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as “stage hypnosis”. Stage hypnosis is often performed by Mentalists practicing the art form of Mentalism

With Hypnosis, Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Hypnosis, not a lot of us know about how it works yet we have heard that it can help us lose weight. Everyone wants to lose a few pounds of weight because they aren’t happy, but there is no quick fix that is healthy. With hypnosis lose weight and keep it off!

Music Subliminal Messages Will Help Anyone and Everyone

Music subliminal messages are a great way to resolve a number of problems you might be having. This can range from bad habits to your beliefs about heath and prosperity. The fact that these music subliminal messages can program your subconscious mind to make it function the way you want it to makes it all the more powerful.

Why Would I Want to Learn How to Make Subliminal Messages?

Subliminal messages are one of those things that have been around for quite some time but few of us are actually aware of them or how they work. There are various reasons why you would want to learn how to make subliminal messages, typically involving a desire to be able to persuade effectively or is a form of self improvement.

How to Tell If Past Life Regression Hypnosis is Right For You

If you are considering undergoing hypnotherapy to help with different problems, you may have heard of past life regression hypnosis. Practitioners of PLR claim that it opens the mind and allows you to bring forward past experiences and memories that may still be affecting you now.

An Introduction to Subliminal Message Software

If you are not familiar with the fascinating world of subliminal messages. Then here is a brief introduction to it and how to get started by using subliminal message software.

How Hypnosis Can Help You Gain Weight

In a society where so many people suffer from obesity and the perils of being overweight, all too little attention is given to those with the reverse problem. Yet being and feeling underweight and skinny can negatively impact not only on the individual’s health, but also on their self esteem and confidence.

Hypnosis – Is it Safe?

This is one of the most common questions that I get asked by clients and people in general. I can understand peoples worries and concerns about hypnosis being safe, because even today hypnosis still has a mystery attached to it. One of my personal campaigns is to strip away the mystery and the hype and the downright lies regarding hypnosis.

Is a Webcam Hypnotherapy Session a Good Idea?

I would always recommend a face to face session with a hypnotherapist if that is possible because there is no technology to contend with and you don’t have the possibility of distractions such as someone ringing the doorbell or a family member arriving home unexpectedly. But, there are various reasons why a webcam hypnotherapy session is the best option for you.

What is Milton Erickson’s Conversational Hypnosis Techniques?

What is the difference between Milton Erickson’s hypnosis techniques versus other hypnosis method? Erickson developed an approach known as “Permissive Hypnosis”. Permissive hypnosis uses certain language patterns to gain rapport with another person’s Subconscious Mind.

Persuasion Hypnosis Secrets Revealed

The process of using a few simple words and commands during regular conversation to persuade and influence others is known as “persuasion hypnosis” and is also known as “conversational hypnosis” or mind control. Once you become familiar with the methods of persuasive hypnosis, the techniques almost becomes second nature.

Choosing Your Local Hypnotherapist

There are many reasons why people would want to use the services of a hypnotherapist. You may have psychosomatic problems, physical or emotional ailments, want to conquer phobias, wish to lose weight or successfully give up smoking. Whatever the reasons for finding a hypnotherapist, you will want to find one as close to home as possible.

Choosing Your Hypnotherapy Training Course

For anyone wishing to study hypnosis and hypnotherapy it is obviously very important that they are adequately trained. So finding a course of an adequate professional standard is crucial.

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