Hypnotist Bernie’s Exposition – Episode 189 with Tallie (confidence and self esteem)

Hypnotist Bernie’s Exposition Playlist

Tallie is a highly creative performance artist who also holds down many jobs. Growing up, she always felt like she could use more confidence, in particular, she felt need to be more accepting when someone gives her a compliment. She wonders what hypnosis can do to help take her to the next level.


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Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion. Theories explaining what occurs during hypnosis fall into two groups. Altered state theories see hypnosis as an altered state of mind or trance, marked by a level of awareness different from the ordinary conscious state. In contrast, Non-state theories see hypnosis as a form of imaginative role-enactment

During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration. The person can concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory, while blocking out sources of distraction. Hypnotised subjects are said to show an increased response to suggestions.[8] Hypnosis is usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction involving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as “hypnotherapy”, while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as “stage hypnosis”. Stage hypnosis is often performed by Mentalists practicing the art form of Mentalism

Why You Should Learn Hypnosis

Everybody is out there to take control of your mind. Fight back with hypnosis.

Fear of Rejection – Learn to Overcome Your Fear

Fear of Rejection is quiet common. Discover how to get over this phobia & live your life as you should.

You Can Gain Confidence in Yourself! Learn the Secret to Resolving Inner Conflicts Through Hypnosis!

Are you tired of feeling bad about yourself by the end of the day? I have had enough too! I learned self-hypnosis and increased my self-esteem ten hundred fold! I have learned the secret techniques that no one tells you about in order for you to feel good about yourself! Learn more by reading this article.

Mind Hypnosis – The Secret Technique Used by Influential People to Achieve Their Dreams and Desires

Learn the secret technique of self-hypnosis to overcome your fears and limitations of achieving your dreams and desires. If you are stuck in a boring job and wish you could go back in time to change your circumstances, then self-hypnosis is right for you! Learn these techniques to gain confidence in yourself and get past your fears. Hypnosis will help you make better choices in your life right now!

What is Hypnosis and Does it Work?

Mind Hypnosis allows you to verbally hypnotize people and get what you want. What is it and does it work?

Hypnotherapy – Can it Really Help?

Can hypnotherapy really help a person deal with emotional or physical issues? Many people have misconceptions about hypnotherapy and its ability to help them either emotionally or even physically. Often views about hypnotherapy have been coloured by watching stage acts where hypnotists have had people making fools of themselves in the name of entertainment, or in the world of film where the victim has been made do things against his or will by a sinister figure using hypnotism.

What a Hypnotherapy Training Course Can Offer You

Is hypnotherapy training something you are looking at? Still undecided? You need to know what a hypnotherapy training course can offer you.

Achieving Your Maximum Potential Through Hypnosis

The mind is an extremely powerful force, one of the most powerful in the universe. Hypnosis provides a means of harnessing this power to achieve self-mastery. An important note to remember: when learning self-hypnosis, that the user of self-hypnosis invariably fares better when taught by a professional than when attempting experimentally from written instructions.

How to Hypnotize Women by Using the Utilization Technique

In the early days, one of the master hypnotists, Milton Erickson developed a hypnosis technique call “utilization”. Utilization is basically making use of what would happen to happen when you are trying to hypnotize a person. As you are learning the art of conversational hypnosis, you can get excellent results in the process of inducing a deepening trance state by utilizing everything that happens around you.

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss Sessions Are Easy to Find Online, Just Make Sure You Do Some Research First

Being overweight is sometimes very distressing and a lot of people will suffer from depression because of this. However, there are a few solutions that you may not have thought of and one of them is hypnotherapy. You can find hypnotherapy weight loss sessions in almost every town and city throughout the world but it’s a good idea to have a look online and do some research before you sign up to anything.

How Often Do We Go Into a Mental Trance?

You will be surprised, we go into a state of mental trance more often than you think. For a person learning the art of hypnosis, he has to understand and recognize when a person is in a mental trance. Trance is a state where hypnosis takes place. It is also a state we frequently get ourselves into many time in the normal course of a day.

The Unconscious Mind and Our Bodily Function

For a person who is learning the art of hypnosis, the first thing he has to master is the Unconscious Mind (UM). For a person, the Unconscious Mind not only store information that is beyond our consciousness, it also manages all of our senses and bodily functions.

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