Prepare for Capricorn Season with Crystals and Essential Oils

Here we are at the start of a new year! The Capricorn season highlights for all of us so don’t forget time for self-love and self-care during this season of hard-work and goal setting.
#ManifestationMagic #Manifestation #DailyAbundance

Please Do Try This At Home!

Hypnosis is all about suggestion and suggestibility. But how do you know whether you are suggestible? Easy! Just give this a try…

Does Hypnotherapy Really Work?

Does hypnosis work, does hypnotherapy work, and what is self-hypnosis? Find out more about how you can improve your life with self-hypnosis.

The Power of Conversational Hypnosis Review

Once you realize The Power of Conversational Hypnosis, you will want to use it every day. You will find that it can be very useful in many different aspects of your life. Although it is very powerful, it should never be used for the wrong reasons.

Discover The Wonders Of NLP

NLP is the short form version used when referring to Neuro Linguistic Programming. Simply put the NLP is the term used to describe the three basic systems within a vast array of connecting systems. These three basic systems are the neurology system, the language system, and the programming system.

Conversational Hypnosis Is Simple and Can Be Very Effective

There are those who believe and those who don’t believe that Conversational Hypnosis really works. This is a particular method of hypnosis in which the hypnotic effects are done completely through communication without the listener realizing what is occurring. Specific messages are provided and since the human mind can be very powerful, one never knows what can happen.

Using Self-Hypnosis For Some Icy Alertness

Use this self-hypnosis technique to really learn how to be alert and pay attention. As they say on the TV series Generation Kill – Stay Frosty.

Using Self-Hypnosis To Feel Really Alert, Not Sleepy!

Most people associate hypnosis with being drowsy or sleepy. This article shows you how to use self-hypnosis to get focused, alert and being attentive. It is a marvellous tool, enjoy it.

How You Can Begin to Learn and Soon Become a Master at Conversational Hypnosis

What does it take to become a good hypnotist? Is it what most people think it is. Learn how you can become a hypnotist and improve your own life.

Hypnosis In The Ancient World – 1

Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon. The practice of hypnosis is said to date back as far as Ancient Greece and Rome. This article examines some of the evidence.

Hypnosis And Human Development

The American psychologist Brian Vanderberg has suggested that children go through a phase of heightened suggestibility similar to hypnosis as part of their natural development. This article discusses Vandenberg’s original and exciting idea.

Hypnosis In The Ancient World – 2

Some scholars and commentators say that the practice of hypnosis goes back as far as Ancient Greece. An episode in the Bacchae of Euripides is often cited as an example of ancient hypnosis. This article discusses hypnosis in the Bacchae.

Music and Hypnosis

We all know that music affects our emotions. It can make us feel happy or sad, excited or calm. But music can also affect our state of consciousness. In this article I argue that music can sometimes act upon us almost as a kind of hypnotic induction.

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