Release Inner Conflict and Anger ✤ 528 Hz Anxiety Cleanse ✤ STOP Overthinking, Worry and Stress

Release Inner Conflict and Anger ✤ 528 Hz Anxiety Cleanse ✤ STOP Overthinking, Worry and Stress Solfeggio frequency recording by Simply Hypnotic ✤ Can be used to reduce fears and anxiety, for background music and for mindful/relaxing meditation ✤ For best results listen often on a low/medium volume setting

Track Name: Release Inner Conflict and Anger
Music by: Andre James
Image Thumbnail by: Shutterstock
Video Created by @Andre James

► The Science and Research: How listening to different frequencies can affect the brain during meditation 👉


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► ► ► If like me you enjoy meditating during the night and you don’t wish to wake those around you, try SleepPhones, the world’s most comfortable headphones for sleeping. Designed by AcousticSheep and described as ‘Pajamas for the Ears’, I use these headphones myself and absolutely love them. Check them out here 👉


► Equipment Used

👉 Roli Seaboard Rise

👉 Korg Minlogue XD

👉 Arturia Keylab 61 mkII

► Software Used

👉 FL Studio

👉 Omnisphere 2

👉 Pigments 2

👉 Equator 2

👉 Cyberlink Director


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► Anxiety and Stress Recordings

► God Frequency Recordings

► Angel Frequency Recordings


🎧 Tracks should NOT be listened to whilst driving, operating machinery or at any time a listener needs to remain focused 🐶 No animals were hurt in the making of this channel (c) Simply Hypnotic – All rights reserved.

🎧 All images and additional video segments contained in the Thumbnails are used in strict compliance with the appropriate permissions and licenses required from and/or in accordance with the YouTube Partner Program, Community guidelines & YouTube terms of service.

► Please NOTE – Frequency recordings should not be substituted for medical care and listeners should seek out qualified medical assistance where necessary.

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Hypnosis Techniques – How to Hypnotize Someone for the First Time

Hypnotism has been used for several centuries to gain information on an individual’s past and present lives. This technique was not named until the 1880’s. The person who gave it this name is James Braid, a Scottish neurosurgeon. He was responsible for naming and developing this technique on how to hypnotize someone properly through scientific studies. There are four steps Braid’s his technique on how to hypnotize someone.

NLP and Getting Over the Ex With Anchors

You try to start a new life, but you keep returning, even if it is just in thought… or maybe in person… to the ex. The emotional storms are worse than a rough day at sea you’ve seen in the movies. Friends try to console you, they give you their best advice, but in those quiet moments in the middle of the night, or those reminders during the day of a movie you saw, a restaurant you went to, the gym, that shirt he gave you, the jewelry, it is everywhere. If you were together very long, you have created many, many of what is called “anchors” in NLP terms. The restaurant, the jewelry, etc is “anchored” to your thoughts of him. The nice thing about anchors is that they can be reassigned. They can be changed.

NLP and Getting Over the Ex by Being the Director

You try to date others, and his/her image, or thoughts of them just won’t go away! You know they are not for you, yet somehow they seem to have some kind of stronghold in you.You just want it to stop so you can get on with your life. Enter NLP. In this process YOU are the Director! If you are like most of us, you have movies that run through your head of the good times. One thing to realize is that no matter how bad the relationship was, you will have some good memories. By taking control of this mental process, you can still acknowledge that you had some nice times, you learned some things, but now it is simply over. Let’s have some fun here and make some movies.

NLP and Being In Between Relationships

When I was in-between relationships I sure wish I had the tools of NLP by my side. You know those feelings on a Sunday when you have plans to go out with a friend or a potential date, and they cancel? What about when it’s a holiday and you know you can go to this friend’s house or that one, but you just found out your ex girl/boyfriend is seeing someone new and they will be visiting the same friends. The emotions can be uncomfortable.

NLP For Coaches: How to Easily Make Your First CD in One Day

You have been a coach for a while or you are new, and you would LOVE to have that extra credibility that naturally arises from having your own CD products to give away or to sell, or to offer as part of your coaching program. It seems like a monumental task. You have visions of recording studios, thousands of dollars spent, CD duplication… and how do you get those nice CD cases with attractive inserts? And what about the CD imprint? It’s just too much! Well, it is actually really easy!

NLP: Advanced Communication Skills – Create a Quantum Leap in Your Communications

What is the secret to going deeper with your communication skills? What is the one technique that can make worlds of difference in your business and personal lives?

NLP: Tapping Into the Power of the Master Mind

Napolean Hill defines a mastermind group as “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” He goes on to say that this synergy creates a force that is “likened to a third mind [the master mind].” Does that excite you like it does me?

Building a Bridge

One great task NLP can help with is goal setting. If you know where you are going, what is holding you back and what you need to make the journey it is easy to build a bridge and get to the other side. It is time to move past now and jump into the life you were meant to live.

Hypnotherapy Means Making The Most Out Of Your Subconscious Mind

Hypnosis helps to acquire belief by way of planting the seed of hope. It is actually a significant advancement over regular focus groups and one-on-ones and may provide fresh insights in contrast to conventional research.

Yes, You Can Stop Smoking With Hypnosis!

You can learn self-hypnosis and reach your goal on your own. If self-hypnosis is used, you must understand the each process and what is necessary for each step.

Using Hypnosis to Stop Smoking Is Possible

Hypnosis, including self-hypnosis, is very effective. Relaxation, visualization and scripts are all key components to help you stop smoking. You must be able to be open to suggestions and visualize during the hypnosis smoking stop sessions.

Effective Scripts For Self Hypnosis

Information on how self hypnosis scripts are used to change things like habits or undesirable personality traits. Scripts are what you repeat to your subconscious while in a state of relaxation. With self hypnosis you can make desired changes in your life that will improve your health and overall well being.

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